Er. Gursimran Singh Dhillon

Er. Gursimran Singh Dhillon
Er. Gursimran Singh Dhillon, Punjab Civil Services, Rank 4.

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Strategy for PCS Mains (GS Paper-3): By Ankita Aggarwal, PCS Rank 45

First of all i congratulate Ankita Aggarwal for her success in PCS. Her performance in this exam has been commendable, specially in Mains GS Paper-3 in which she has scored 114 out 250, which is one of the highest scores. I thank her for discussing her strategy for Paper-3 with future aspirants.

Strategy for PCS Mains (GS Paper-1): By Ramandeep Singh, PCS Rank 8 (B.C.)

First of all i want to congratulate Mr Ramandeep Singh for his success in PCS. His performance in this examination is laudable, specially in GS Paper-1 in which he has scored the highest (113 out of 250). I thank him for taking out time to discuss his strategy for this paper.

Strategy for PCS Preliminary Exam and Mains (GS Paper-4): By Dr. Himanshu Gupta, PCS Rank 3

My heartiest congratulations to Dr. Himanshu Gupta for achieving landmark success in PCS. His performance in all papers has been phenomenal. I want to thank him for spending his valuable time in sharing his strategy for Preliminary Exam and Mains GS Paper-4.
He has scored 134 + 155 in Preliminary and 129 in GS Mains Paper-4 which are one of the highest scores.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Strategy For PCS Mains (Essay): By Geetika Singh Battu, PCS Rank 5

Geetika has given outstanding performance in PCS Mains and specially the Essay Paper in which she has scored 109 out of 150 which is the highest score in essay. I express my thanks to her for investing her precious time for discussing her approach to Essay Paper.

Strategy For PCS Mains (GS Paper-2): By Robin Bansal, PCS Rank 12

First of all i congratulate Robin Bansal for his success in PCS. He has performed exceptionally well in all papers, specially in GS Paper-2 in which he scored 118 out of 250, which is one of the highest.  I appreciate his humble effort to take out some time to share his strategy with all of you.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Second Article: Technique for making notes

As we all know that there is no limit to the available sources of preparation for Civil Services, and with the growing competition, it has become even more important to plan and choose your sources carefully.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

First Article: My Journey

First of all, i want to declare that i have not been amongst the toppers at School and College levels, though i was not below average either. I got 87% in 10th and 86% in 12th and 79% in my B. Tech.

Friday, March 6, 2015

My aim behind writing this blog

The fundamental purpose of writing this blog is to try my best to help future aspirants of Civil Services. I consider it my duty to help you to the best of my ability.